Travel across the Story Bridge at Macquarie Regional Library during Book Week 2010. Book Week is the longest-running children's festival in Australia and this year will celebrate its' 65th birthday.
Each year Australian children's and young adult's books are nominated for the Children's Book Council Awards, and 6 books make up the Shortlist in each category. The 2010 winners will be announced on Friday 20 August.
The category for Older Readers has some great candidates - so why not grab a title and see what you think...
And the nominees are:

Stolen by Lucy Chistopher
The Winds of Heaven by Judith Clarke
Liar by Justine Larbalestier
Jarvis 24 by David Metzenthen
A Small Free Kiss in the Dark by Glenda Millard
Loving Richard Feynman by Penny Tangey